5 Fakta Menarik Solusi Custom Software yang Harus Kamu Ketahui!

Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa Software Custom sangat penting bagi Bisnis Anda

Misteri Algoritma Kehidupan

Misteri Algoritma Kehidupan: Mengapa Setiap Kode Punya Kesalahan dan Bagaimana Kita Memperbaikinya Dalam dunia teknologi, kita sering mendengar kisah tentang algoritma yang cerdas, program yang inovatif, dan kode yang menggerakkan…

Semarak Kebersamaan PT. Arkamaya di Puncak Perayaan HUT RI ke-79

Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2024, PT. Arkamaya menggelar puncak acara perayaan HUT RI ke-79 dengan penuh semangat dan antusiasme. Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari rangkaian Pekan Olahraga Arkamaya (PERAK) yang telah…

Apa Itu Software House dan Bagaimana Mereka Membantu Bisnis Anda?

Di era digital sekarang ini, peran teknologi dapat dirasakan hampir di semua bidang kehidupan, baik itu dalam bidang telekomunikasi, transportasi, bisnis, kesehatan, dunia hiburan dan masih banyak lagi. Salah satu…

Warehouse Management System - PT NEC
Warehouse Management System – NEC

PT NEC is committed to developing an inventory management system specifically designed to meet the needs of its clients. This application system aims to monitor every sales transaction process as…

Enterprise Resource Planning
Enterprise Resource Planning – Gratyo

Gratyo, as a business coaching company, has a number of coaches and an extensive client list. They require an application system capable of effectively monitoring all resources and training schedules.

JOB Pertamina Medco Tomori
HRIS – JOB Pertamina Medco Tomori

The HR management function within the scope of JOB Tomori needs to be updated and further developed to improve performance and the existing HR management processes. The development of the…

Trans Hotel Group Apps
THG Apps – Trans Hotel Group

The advancement of internet technology makes it easier for humans to handle matters in all areas and fields. Of course, business development is also expected to keep up with the…

Blue Squid - Smartfix
Smart Fix – Progressive Web Application

Over time, industrial machinery has become more diverse, complex, and harder to repair. Meanwhile, consumers continue to demand high quality and minimal downtime. This means that the acceleration in all…

Simba DLHK Kota Bandung
Sistem Manajemen Barang dan Aset – DLHK

Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Bandung (DLHK) currently has an application SIMBA (Sistem Manajemen Barang dan Aset) to monitor the garbage truck fleet. As needs grow, DLHK requires an additional system…