Sistem Manajemen Kendaraan Sampah

SIMAKS DLHK Kota Bandung
Project Software Development PT Arkamaya di DLHK Kota Bandung

PHP, Codeigniter Framework,
Flutter Mobile Apps



Server OS:

UPT Pengelolaan Sampah Dlhk Kota Bandung


Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Bandung (DLHK), currently has an application SIMAKS (Sistem Management Kendaraan Sampah) to monitoring the daily activities of the Technical Management Unit for waste transportation in Bandung. This application should monitor progress and schedule routes for each garbage truck fleet, serving as a guideline for daily operational activities based on each work area unit (SWK).


The developed application should accommodate the needs of Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Bandung regarding the monitoring and scheduling of garbage trucks as daily operational activities in the work area units of DLHK Bandung.

The application is expected to meet each work unit’s needs, such as Geo tagging features for reporting daily activities, documentation, and waste transportation reports that can be reported in real-time through data input and photo uploads as evidence by field officers. The application can help increase productivity, reduce operational costs, and optimize waste collection and transportation.

Scope of work

  • Mapping check points / number of TPS points in Bandung
  • Management Module: Including Garbage Truck Fleet Asset Database, Daily Scheduling, Daily Routes to TPA
  • Reporting Module: Dashboard for reporting operational activities from TPS to TPA
Project Summary

Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Bandung (DLHK) Bandung needs to create a system application capable of monitoring the daily activities of the Technical Management Unit for waste transportation in Bandung. This application should monitor progress and schedule routes for each garbage truck fleet, serving as a guideline for daily operational activities based on each work area unit (SWK). The application is expected to accommodate all types of needs related to operational activities and reporting.

Solution & Impact

Solution : The SIMAKS (Sistem Management Kendaraan Sampah) application is a web-based and mobile app system that can address the issues faced by DLH Kota Bandung regarding the waste disposal process from TPS to TPA (Final Disposal Site).

The mobile app can be used by field work units such as waste collection officers/drivers of garbage truck fleets. Meanwhile, the web-based application system can be used by work units in the administrative area to monitor daily work processes and create daily schedules for waste collection routes.

Impact : Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Bandung can optimize all work processes through this web-based and mobile app technology. The scheduling of garbage truck fleet routes can be accommodated by administrators in the administrative work units, and these routes can be accessed by field officers through the mobile application.

This facilitates the understanding of the daily job desk for waste collection officers in the field. The ease of reporting daily activities can also be felt because field officers only need to input the volume of waste collected that day, accompanied by photos and geo-tagging as supporting evidence.