HRIS Custom Apps – PT Fajar Mas Murni

Fajar Mas Murni by Arkamaya Software House
Project Custom Software HRIS PT Fajar Mas Murni by Arkamaya Software House

PHP, Codeigniter Framework,
HTML Bootstrap



Server OS:

PT Fajar Mas Murni


PT Fajar Mas Murni (FMM) faces challenges in accommodating the increasingly complex human resource management needs. Therefore, PT FMM requires an HRIS (Human Resource Information System) solution that can address various evolving needs. Some key features that are the focus of development include:

  • Addition of Job Promotion Module Features
  • Addition of Employee Rotation Features
  • Employee Counseling
  • Other additional settings

The development of HRIS at PT FMM is not only focused on attendance or presence data. By integrating various new features, this system is designed to help the company manage HR more efficiently. These new features provide ease for management in performing HR tasks that previously required a lot of time and effort.

Project Summary

PT. Fajar Mas Murni requires a solution from the HRIS (Human Resources Information System) application that can accommodate all kinds of needs and developments from the existing HRIS application, including feature developments such as:

  • Job Promotion Feature
  • Employee Rotation Submission
  • Counseling Submission
  • Salary Settings
  • Leave Allowance Settings, etc.

Solution & Impact

Solutions : The development of the previous HRIS web application, which only had attendance functions, has now been further developed with various features to make it easier for the company to manage its human resources.

Impact : The company and employees are increasingly assisted by the development of the HRIS application at PT Fajar Mas Murni, because there are new features that facilitate employee processes and performance, such as counseling submissions for employees. Additionally, the company can maximize business processes more effectively by using digital technology as a tool, such as conducting job promotions for employees, submitting employee rotations, etc.